Chapter 31: A Beautiful Illusion


Jay had been dating Aria for several years, and he knew that the time had come to take their relationship to the next level. He decided he wanted to propose, and he wanted it to be a surprise that she would remember forever.

Jay didn't have experience or ideas regarding that, and he didn't want to make any issues regarding this proposal. But planning a surprise proposal was no easy task. He didn't know whom to contact to get ideas. Jay's colleague, Ethan, was known for his creative ideas and attention to detail, so he decided to enlist his help in planning the perfect proposal.

That afternoon, Jay invited Ethan to grab a coffee during their lunch break. Ethan was surprised that Jay was being friendly with him because they were not that close. So Ethan asked Jay, "Usually we never hang out like this, so what is the occasion, Jay?" As they sipped on their lattes, Jay nervously began, "Ethan, there's something I need to talk to you about."

Now Ethan looked at Jay with a doubtful expression on his face and said, "Ok! What is that about?"

With a sigh of relief, Jay continued, "I've decided that I want to propose to a girl that I love. I've been thinking about it for a long time, and I can't imagine spending my life with anyone else. But I want it to be perfect, something she'll never forget."

Ethan's eyes lit up with excitement. "Jay, that's amazing news! I'm thrilled for you. But why me? You could have approached any of your friends."

a wedding ring on a table
a wedding ring on a table

Jay kept a slightly sad face and said, "I don't have any close buddies in the office. I have a small hope in your creative ideas and friendly nature, so I reached out to you."

Ethan, sensing the seriousness in Jay's tone, leaned in and replied, "Sure, Jay. No problem. I am happy to help you. First, tell me who is that lucky girl and her personality, so that I can brainstorm some ideas for the proposal itself."

Jay nodded, relieved to have someone to guide him through this monumental task. Jay explained everything he admired about Aria and his love and trust towards her. Ethan listened to him carefully and felt happy to see how much Jay was sincere about Aria, and how Jay's eyes sparkled while talking about Aria.

Ethan, with excitement, asked, "Jay, I'd be honored to help you plan the perfect proposal. Do you have any ideas in mind?"

Jay pulled out a small notebook from his bag and opened it to reveal several handwritten drafts of what he wanted to say during the proposal. "I've written down a few things, but I'm not sure if they're good enough. I want it to be heartfelt and sincere."

Ethan took a look at the drafts and nodded appreciatively. "These are beautiful, Jay, but let's work on them together and make them even more special. We'll make sure your words truly convey your love for Aria."

They wrote and rewrote, ensuring that every word was a reflection of Jay's deep love and commitment. It was a labor of love, and Jay felt grateful to have Ethan's support throughout the process.

As the words began to take shape, Jay started thinking about the ideal location for the proposal. He wanted it to be private, intimate, and meaningful. He shared his thoughts with Ethan, who immediately began to suggest some beautiful spots in the city that would fit the bill.

They considered Central Park, with its serene lakeside views, or the rooftop garden of the Met Cloisters, which was both secluded and enchanting. They even thought about a cozy dinner at Aria's favorite restaurant, followed by the proposal under the starry night sky.

After much contemplation, Jay decided on a private picnic in Central Park during the early evening, with the sun setting behind the city skyline. It was a spot that held sentimental value for both him and Aria, as they had shared many memorable moments there throughout their relationship.

With the proposal location settled, Jay turned to Ethan for advice on where to find the perfect engagement ring. He knew Aria had a penchant for unique and elegant jewelry, and he wanted the ring to be a symbol of their love and commitment.

"Ethan, do you have any idea where I can get a beautiful engagement ring?" Jay asked, a hint of worry in his voice.

Ethan smiled reassuringly. "Of course, Jay. I've got some recommendations for you. There's a fantastic jeweler downtown that has exquisite rings. They're known for their craftsmanship and personalized service. I'll give you their contact information."

Ethan, being the romantic that he was, had connections all over the city. He recommended a few high-end jewelry boutiques known for their exquisite craftsmanship and personalized service. Jay visited each one, carefully examining the rings and seeking guidance from the knowledgeable staff. Jay was relieved. Having Ethan's guidance on where to find the perfect ring gave him a sense of confidence he had been lacking. He jotted down the jeweler's information and thanked his colleague for all his help.

After much consideration, Jay finally chose a stunning vintage-style ring with a sapphire center stone surrounded by sparkling diamonds. It was a true work of art, and he knew Aria would adore it.